Infrastructure, quality of service, offers: why Orange is a pioneer in France?

In 2022, Orange was ranked as the first fixed and mobile operator. And it's not for nothing. From the network infrastructure to customer service, the operator multiplies the good points and offers an almost irreproachable service.

If you are not yet at Orange for your internet box or your mobile plan, 2023 is an opportunity to change your tune. In 2022, various research organizations such as Arcep or Nperf found that the French incumbent operator was performing better than its competitors on many points. Customer service that is more satisfactory than the average , a more extensive deployment of the mobile network or even more efficient wifi, there are many of Orange's assets for offering a complete and quality service.


If you've ever complained about your internet connection on the road to vacation, it's because you've certainly experienced a passage in the "white zone", those parts of France where network coverage is almost zero.

To avoid having to deal with it as much as possible, Arcep, an independent research body, ranks each year the operators that offer the best average speed throughout metropolitan France.

Orange's mobile network thus comes out on top this year with a download speed (the amount of data that you can receive on average on your smartphone) of 143 Mbit/s throughout the metropolis and 217 Mbit/s in dense area. A figure well above the average for all market players, which is 94 Mbits/s. With such speed, you will have no trouble fully exploiting the capabilities of your smartphone, such as web browsing or online gaming.

In terms of the consumption of streaming video content, the operator also ranks first, all areas combined. Arcep notes that 98% of videos are viewed in perfect quality in dense areas, 96% in intermediate areas, and 90% in rural areas).

Results that go hand in hand with the operator's very good network coverage in mainland France. In 4G, Orange is thus on the podium of the best mobile operators with coverage of the metropolitan population of over 99%. The metropolitan territory is 94% covered by the operator. Crossing a white zone with an Orange package is therefore almost impossible.


For several years, Orange has been the leading operator in terms of fiber connection throughout the territory. The historic supplier brings together the largest investment on the entire fiber network in France.

In very dense areas, the Orange network represents 80% of the fiber deployed. A figure well above that of the competition, which occupies 4 to 16% of the total network deployed in these same areas .

Better still, Orange is also the operator that invests the most in research and development to make its internet boxes as efficient as possible. It is the first to have integrated the Wi-Fi 6 standard into its new internet boxes, the LiveBox 6 .

Equipping your boxes with the latest wireless connection standard has several advantages. First, Wi-Fi 6 is more secure because it offers a more advanced security protocol that better encrypts your sensitive data.

It also offers smarter throughput management across all of your connected devices. Priority is thus given to those who need a higher throughput, such as laptops.

And for those who swear only by wired, the Orange LiveBox 6 is equipped with a multi-gigabit Ethernet port (with a download speed of up to 2 Gbit/s and an upload speed of up to 800 Mbit/s with Fiber if you have a compatible device).i


In terms of customer satisfaction, Orange is also on the podium both in its capacity as an internet service provider and a mobile operator. In this area, competition is fierce, but the incumbent operator enjoys an excellent reputation.

Arcep details this in its annual observatory and indicates that user satisfaction regarding their access to fiber is on average, all operators combined, 7.8/10. An average that Orange exceeds, thus placing itself as the best rated by customers with an average of 8.1/10.

Finally, the independent observatory concludes that of all the problems encountered by users, Orange is among the best in providing a solution. It is even the first when it comes to quality of service. The study indicates that users registered with Orange are those who encounter the fewest problems (only 15% compared to an average of 17% in 2022).

And if you still encounter a problem with your wifi, Orange offers personalized and continuous support via its serenity Wi-Fi system , so that you can use your internet box to the maximum of its capabilities. Finally, to ensure that you never run out of data in the event of a network incident, the operator provides an additional 200 GB , on your smartphone with an orange plan, or via an Airbox wifi if you are with another mobile operator.


If you consider all the important criteria when looking for a good supplier, Orange offers one of the best services. It brings together one of the most efficient and widespread Internet networks, one of the best customer services available today and the incumbent operator remains a pioneer in terms of technological advances on its Internet boxes.

So many good reasons to stay with Orange if you are already a customer, or to switch to the operator if you are not there yet.
