Profit from Blogger Here are 5 ways how to profit from a blogger or blogging

5 ways how to profit from a blogger or blogging

In this post, I will show you the best ways to profit from a Blogger blog. Profit from Blogger has become a good thing and may bring you a lot of money. It is one of the ways to profit from the Internet without capital, but first you have to know how to profit from a Blogger blog?

Many want to profit from the Blogger blog, and since you are reading this post, you are probably here because you have a blog on Blogger and you want to know how to profit from it? Or you want to start owning a Blogger website or blog and start making money from writing articles.

Well, here are the best ways to profit from a blogger blog, without or besides the link from Google Adsense, as many people know Google Adsense, and it is one of the famous ways to profit from blogger and writing articles, and we will discuss it in detail later!

But some are looking for ways to profit from Blogger without Adsense, so we will show ways and alternatives to profit from Blogger with or without Google Adsense in order to make profit from Blogger.

Therefore, the profit from blogger is divided into two main types:

  • Profit from blogger through Google Adsense and ads
  • Profit from Blogger without Google Adsense, and we will discuss these methods below.

Let's first talk a little bit about the Blogger platform .

What is the Blogger platform?

Blogger: It is a CMS content management platform that allows us to create a blog on the Internet and profit from it, and allows writing articles and thus the appearance of these articles on search engines.

The Blogger platform is a free platform, and as we said, it allows you to create a Blogger blog completely free of charge, and therefore profit from Blogger does not require capital at all, as you can start for free and write articles that can bring you visitors who will return to you with a financial return.

How to profit from Blogger, the best ways to profit from Blogger blog and write articles

Profit from blogger through google adsense

Google Adsense is a service provided by Google to publishers and content creators, which enables them to place ads on their site or blog on Blogger.

And yes, you can profit from Blogger through Adsense, you can activate Google Adsense on your blog on Blogger. But there are some conditions that you must consider when applying for Google Adsense.

There are two ways to profit from Google Adsense ads:

Earn by clicking on ads.

When a visitor clicks on the ads that are displayed on your blog, a small amount of money comes to you on the Adsense account, known as the price per click, or CPC in English.

Profit through thousand impressions.

You also get a profit from every thousand ad impressions on your blog, which is much less than the price of one click. It is called CPM

Profit from blogging through affiliate marketing and affiliate programs

Profit from Blogger through affiliate marketing, which is simply that you promote other people's goods or services in return for a sum of money or a percentage of the price of the product you are promoting.

But how do you do commission marketing and get a percentage of the product price? Well, all or most of the online shopping sites offer programs for affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing programs are programs offered by online shopping sites to website owners so that they can promote products and get their commission.

Profit by selling your services online

Selling your services or products online is a great way to profit from the Internet, and since you own a website or blog on the Internet, you should seize the opportunity and convert part of your visitors into customers who buy what you sell online.

And based on the content of your site, you can provide your services, for example, if your content is related to SEO and search engine optimization; You can offer a service on your site for a sum of money in exchange for preparing sites for SEO.

Thus, the visitor can benefit from the content of your site, and if your content is wonderful, then the visitor can request an online service with a sum of money for what you provide to him.

You may also sell a product on your site instead of providing a service, or do both. Your product that you will sell on your site may be a PDF file that contains a detailed and more comprehensive explanation of what you offer on your site.

For example, you can prepare a PDF file about the mysteries of SEO and the secrets of search engines. And you sell this booklet or the PDF.

Profit by writing paid content

Profit from blogger or from your site by writing paid content. This happens when you own a successful site and you get many visits, and therefore you will find companies that provide services related to your content communicating with you, and asking you to write about them and their services in exchange for money.

For example, a company contacted me some time ago to review their application to edit clips, and so, according to your content, companies will contact you to write about their services or products.

Showing off your blogging experience online can get you real-world jobs

How to profit from blogger, showing your experience in blogging online may bring you jobs on the ground

creating a successful website or blog that generates thousands of visits; It will make companies trust your ability, talent, and determination to succeed, and you can later use your site as a reference for your experiences when applying for a job related to the field of blogging, site management, search engine optimization, etc…

Not only jobs on the ground, in fact you can also use your site as a business model or Portfolio when you submit online jobs on freelancing sites such as Fiverr or Upwork.

In the end, these were the 5 best ways I know to profit from blogger or through blogging and writing articles. Do you know other ways to profit from blogger? You can provide us with it in the comments, thanks…
