Google Bard: Sundar Pichai would take it for his rank internally


Did Google want to ride the wave of chatbots a little too soon? The question is asked while the reproaches fuse against Sundar Pichai. After Bard's first failures ( including a particularly embarrassing one, which cost Google dearly on the stock market ), many employees internally accuse the CEO of Google of having given the green light to a "  rushed  " or even "  botched " launch. 

”, for some, of its competitor AI of ChatGPT . This is what CNBC was able to discover through exchanges that took place on the internal messaging of the Mountain View giant.

As a reminder, Google launched Bard on February 6 in order to be a few hours ahead of its competitor Microsoft, which announced the next day a version of ChatGPT powered by Bing, its own search engine.


"  Dear Sundar, Bard's launch and layoffs were rushed, sloppy and short-sighted  ," one employee commented in a massively liked internal post, according to CNBC. In this case, the 12,000 job cuts announced at the start of the year are also blamed on the leader of Google. "  Pushing Bard into the market at all costs, in a panic, validated the market's fear of us  ," said another employee in a post also shared internally.

Paradoxically, notes The Verge , Sundar Pichai and Jeff Dean (head of AI at Google) had explained at an event in December how the premature launch of an AI could carry a "  reputational risk  ". from a company like Google. A trap in which they have however fallen, at least in part, for fear of being overtaken by the competition after the buzz aroused by ChatGPT for a few weeks.
