ITech4online for webmasters

Keywords related to Writing Content: - Copywriting - Content creation - Blogging - Article writing - Web content - SEO writing - Social media content - Content strategy - Content marketing - Ghostwriting  Keywords related to Ad Units: - Banner ads - Display ads - Native ads - Video ads - Pop-up ads - Mobile ads - In-app ads - Rich media ads - Programmatic advertising - Ad targeting  Keywords related to Guest Post: - Guest blogging - Contributor posts - Authorship - Outreach - Backlinks - Content placement - Content collaboration - Thought leadership - Brand exposure - Content promotion

 At iTech4Online, we understand that running a successful online business requires a range of skills and expertise. That's why we offer a range of services that can help you grow your online presence and reach more potential customers. Here's a breakdown of our key products and their features:

1. Just Post

Our Just Post service is designed to help you save time and effort by taking care of your website maintenance needs. We'll handle all the technical details for you, including installing updates, backing up your site, and optimizing your database. This means you can focus on what you do best – creating high-quality content and engaging with your audience.

One of the most important features of the guest post:

  • Reaching a larger audience
  • Establish strategic partnerships
  • Gain more authority in the subject
  • Enjoy the advantages of search engine optimization (SEO)

Guest Post Terms:

  1. The subject submitted as a guest post must be written by you.
  2. Plagiarism or copyright infringement is not allowed.
  3. When quoting from others, please be sure to correctly cite your source.
  4. You are most welcome to share the link to the posts you have authored on your social media or website
  5. Affiliate links may not be included in guest post submissions.
  6. ITech4online reserves the right to add affiliate links where applicable.
  7. ITech4online reserves the right to edit guest posts as necessary.
  8. Once we've officially published a guest post, you're welcome to request grammatical or wording changes. Any edits that change the content or meaning of the article will be required.
  9. You can also request changes/updates to your photo or links.
  10.  If at any time in the future, you would like to request such changes, email us via the contact form or Facebook page and we will get 
  11. back to you as soon as possible.


10.00$ for 30 days


  • 2 links within the hosted article
  • You will coordinate the article
  • You design the image for the article
  • 500Minimum word count
20.00$ for 30 days


  • Recommendation badge
  • 4 links in the article as a maximum
  • We will design the image of the article
  • We will format the hosted article
  • 1000Minimum word count
30.00$ for 30 days


  • Recommendation badge
  • 10 links in the article as a maximum
  • We will design the image of the article
  • We will format the hosted article
  • Unlimited Minimum word count

2. Writing Content

Creating high-quality content is key to attracting and retaining visitors to your website. With our writing content service, you can rest assured that your content will be well-written, engaging, and optimized for search engines. Our team of experienced writers will work with you to understand your target audience and create content that resonates with them.

Advantages of writing content

We are distinguished by some advantages in writing content:

1. Tone: The tone of the content is important and should be tailored for the intended audience. It could be formal, casual, or conversational depending on the nature of the content.

2. Structure: The structure of the content should be well-defined with an introduction, body, and conclusion. Each section should flow seamlessly into the next, providing a cohesive reading experience.

3. Research: Content should be researched thoroughly to ensure accuracy and reliability. This may involve conducting interviews, reviewing the literature, or using statistical data to support claims.

4. SEO Optimization: Content should be optimized for search engines by including relevant keywords, meta descriptions, and title tags to improve visibility and ranking.

5. Proofreading: Content should be proofread carefully to eliminate errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. This ensures that the content is polished and professional.

6. Formatting: Proper formatting is essential to make the content visually appealing and easy to read. This includes using headings, subheadings, lists, and images to break up large blocks of text.

7. Engagement: Good content engages the reader and encourages them to take action, such as filling out a form, making a purchase, or sharing the content on social media.

8. Originality: Creating original content that provides value to the reader is important to stand out from the competition and establish authority in the industry.

9. Adaptability: Content should be adaptable to different platforms, such as social media, email marketing, or blog posts, and should be designed to fit the specific requirements of each platform.

10. Analytics: Using analytics tools to track engagement and other metrics helps to evaluate the success of the content and make improvements for future campaigns.


  • 500-word essay with all the advantages of writing content: $ 7
  • 750-word essay with all the advantages of writing content: $ 12
  • 1000-word essay with all the advantages of writing content: $ 15

3. Ad Units

Monetizing your website is an important part of running a successful online business. With our Ad Units service, we can help you integrate ads into your website in a way that maximizes your earnings potential. We offer a variety of ad formats, including display ads, native ads, and video ads, and we'll handle all the technical details for you.


Advertising spaces Below are the advertising rates on ITech4online.
 Description, size, and advertising prices:
  •  Banner (468 x 60) or (234 x 60) or (120 x 90) or (120 x 60) 
  • Price: $10 / 30 days 
  • Available places: two places Description: Displayed in all article publications.
  • The minimum purchase of the service is 1 month (30 days) 

  •  Banner (300 x 250) - in the sidebar
  •  Price: $15 / 30 days 
  • Available places: two places 
  • Description: Displayed on the homepage and all article posts. The minimum purchase of the service is 1 month (30 days) 

  • Banner (125 x 125) - in the sidebar
  •  Price: $7.5 / 30 days 
  • Available places: four places 
  • Description: Displayed on the homepage and all article posts. The minimum purchase of the service is 1 month (30 days) 

the conditions

1. Ads must not contain racist or religious matters, lies, provocations, or anything contrary to the law. 

Advertising materials are entirely the responsibility of the advertiser, ITech4online Blog is not responsible for criticism or claims related to the content of the advertisement.

2. Only allowed image formats are GIF, JPEG, JPG, and PNG.

In summary, iTech4Online offers a range of services that can help you to run a successful online business. From website maintenance to content creation, backlinking, and monetization, we've got the expertise and experience to help you achieve your goals. Visit our website today to learn more about how we can help you grow your business.
